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Chocolate Turtle Recipe

  • Author: Meghan Telpner
  • Total Time: 35 mins
  • Yield: 10 1x


A delicious gluten-free, dairy-free and refined sugar-free alternative to the Turtles chocolate you know and love.


  • 1 bar (100grams) organic / fair trade bittersweet baker’s chocolate (I like the 70% or higher) OR make your own chocolate using this recipe.

Caramel Filling

  • 8 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 2 Tbsp almond butter
  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 Tbsp honey (optional)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Crunchy Bit

  • 30 pecans


  1. Place a cookie sheet lined with parchment in the freezer to chill.
  2. In a double boiler, melt your chocolate. (You can make a make-shift double-boiler by placing a bowl in a large pot with a few inches of water on the stove, and melting the chocolate in the bowl).
  3. In your food processor or high speed blender, mix together dates, almond butter, coconut oil, honey if using, and vanilla until smooth and creamy. Place in freezer for 20 minutes. This is the caramel filling.
  4. Remove cookie sheet from freezer. Dollop about 1/2 Tbsp of chocolate into ten circles, spreading around slightly with the back of a spoon. It will harden quite quickly due to the chilled cookie sheet.
  5. Remove caramel filling from freezer and roll into 20 evenly sized balls. Take one ball of caramel and squeeze flat, place three pecans inside, pointing outwards with some of the nut hanging over the caramel. Add another ball of caramel over top, and place this on top of the one of the chocolate circles. Repeat for remaining nine turtles.
  6. Re-melt chocolate if it has hardened and scoop about 1 tbsp of chocolate over each turtle. It doesn’t need to be tidy. Use the back of a spoon to move the chocolate around if necessary.
  7. Place in the fridge to set for 20 minutes.
  8. Serve chilled!
  • Prep Time: 35 mins
  • Category: Dessert

Keywords: chocolate turtle, chocolate turtle recipe, dairy-free chocolate, dairy-free chocolate turtle recipe, healthy chocolate turtles

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