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Rhubarb Simple Syrup

Rhubarb Simple Syrup

  • Author: Meghan Telpner
  • Total Time: 35 mins
  • Yield: 2 cups 1x


A simple syrup that uses less sugar than most and can be adapted for any seasonal fruit.


  • 1 /1/2 cups coarsely chopped rhubarb
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1/4 cups organic sugar, coconut sugar or 1/3 cup of honey


  1. Place all ingredients in a pot and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Stirring as continuously as you have the patience for.
  2. Place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl and strain the liquid.
  3. Transfer liquid to a jar and store in the fridge for up to one week.
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Category: Beverage

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