Why is the name of this recipe ‘Never Say Never’? As you may have noticed over the last 12 years, I have never posted an energy ball recipe. A nutritionist not having an energy ball / power ball / nut ball / some form of nuts and dried fruit packed together recipe? Never! But, yes, it’s true. Why?
I felt like the last thing the healthy food-loving world needed was another energy ball.
I never liked them.
Now I have shared these balls before which were mostly a way to mask spirulina (for some reason or another, I felt like I wanted more of in my life at the time – but still can’t stand the stuff). And I also made these chocolate/date/walnut numbers, but I treated those more like a dessert than as a mid-afternoon, blood sugar steadying, burst of delicious healthfulness. Both of those recipe posts are about 10 years old (with some slight updates since then).
So why now? Why am I breaking my never rule when it comes to energy balls? Because I got desperate. The little man in my life, now three years old, has a whole lot of energy, running everywhere instead of walking, and seems to be eating constantly. These balls are a simple no-bake, quick-to-make way to pack a ton of fueling power into a portable, easy-to-eat snack. I guess that’s why they’re called energy balls. And why nearly every single health-inspired blog out there has a version of these.
As with this hazelnut fudge, I wanted these to be rich in brain-fueling fats. I’ll admit, I am in love. They are amazing and so easy to blitz up a batch or two and store in the fridge or freezer. I pack these for when I pick him up from school to help abate the after-school meltdown/frenzy/wildness, and they also make great options for the seconds before he’s supposed to get into bed and into the “I’m hungry” declarations.
Pro Tip: Super Bars
To make a really epic bar, follow the recipe as outlined below, but instead of balls, press this flat in a 9×12 Pyrex dish and then make a batch of the hazelnut fudge and pour over top. Set in the fridge or freezer and shazaam. Epicness.
Oh, the other thing about these balls, they look like a dear came to visit. You know what I mean. That being said, if you’re not feeding these to torrenting little ones, by all means, roll them in shredded coconut afterward so they look a little less poopy. Personally, I’d rather they look like droppings than be finding small bits of coconut all over the house. Just me?
Place all ingredients in your food processor with the S-blade and process, scraping down the sides occasionally, until mixture is uniform in texture but not smooth. You want it just chopped enough that it holds together when you press a small amount between your fingers.
Take about 1 1/2 rounded tablespoons of the mixture and roll into balls.
Transfer to a food storage container and let set in your fridge for 1–2 hours. Will keep in the fridge for 1 week, in the freezer for 3 months.
Prep Time:15 mins
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Hi Meghan, great change of heart on the treat front.
Once your little man starts seeing kids devouring (transfat laden, sugar filled) timbits at every social event EVER, you will be grateful you have an almost indistinguishable substitute.
Never say Never (especially once you become a parent)!!!
Thanks for the recipe! My 2 year old son loves energy balls. They are a great snack that he can easily hold and because it is nutritious I don’t mind if he even has them for breakfast if that’s what he wants.
Can’t wait to try your version!
Hi Meghan, great change of heart on the treat front.
Once your little man starts seeing kids devouring (transfat laden, sugar filled) timbits at every social event EVER, you will be grateful you have an almost indistinguishable substitute.
Never say Never (especially once you become a parent)!!!
Hi, I have a question regarding the energy balls. If you don’t have a food processor, can you use a blender ?
Thanks and have a great day
Hi Meghan, fellow RHN here! I love these balls . Wondering if you soak the nuts?? And if so, for how long?
Thanks for the recipe! My 2 year old son loves energy balls. They are a great snack that he can easily hold and because it is nutritious I don’t mind if he even has them for breakfast if that’s what he wants.
Can’t wait to try your version!
Can you use any other oil in the energy balls as don’t like the smell of coconut.
Thank you.
I have made these several times and they are a hit! Very versatile and delicious.
Never say never :-)