Food Irradiation: 5 Things You Need to Know

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve hopefully long since ditched the microwave and started using the extra counter space for a health-promoting juicer, blender, dehydrator or dance party speaker system. But even if you’ve stopped making microwave dinners, you may still be eating foods blasted with radiation without even knowing it — and I’m not talking about Asian-sourced foods that have been contaminated by Fukushima, or European-sourced foods that still carry the stamp of Chernobyl.
The radiation I am referring is the burst of rays, estimated to be the equivalent of 30 million chest x-rays, that the government subjects our food to for “safety” reasons.
What Is Food Irradiation?
According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, irradiation is “the process of exposing food to a controlled amount of energy called ‘ionizing radiation.'” This is done using one of three different types of radiation: Gamma rays, X-rays or electron beam radiation. Also known as “cold pasteurizing,” the goal of irradiating food is to kill harmful bacteria like salmonella and e. coli, prevent spoilage and increase shelf life. Makes sense, in theory. Making our food ‘safe’ by subjecting it to further harm isn’t the most effective solution — not to mention the fact that irradiating foods may actually be spawning radiation-resistant forms of bacteria along with loads of other potential risks.
5 Things You Should Know About Food Irradiation
1. Food irradiation kills bacteria — including the friendly kind.
Irradiation kills off 95% of bacteria in our food, but not all bacteria are bad for us. Some of those bacteria are the useful kind that start to smell funny when a food goes bad, warning us not to eat it. Irradiation can make old, rotten food look and smell fresh. Great for the food industry, not so great for health-conscious consumers.
2. Food irradiation damages the nutrients in our food.
Along with killing bacteria, irradiation kills nutrition, too. Vitamins A, B1, C, and E are highly sensitive to irradiation. Food irradiation may also affect the other B vitamins, as well as vitamin K. According to the Center for Food Safety in the United States, irradiated foods can lose from two to 95% of their vitamin content. Irradiation can destroy up to 80% of the vitamin A in eggs, up to 95% of the vitamin A and lutein in green beans, up to 50% of the vitamin A and lutein in broccoli and 40% of the beta-carotene in orange juice. Irradiation also doubles the amount of trans fats in beef.
3. Several foods are already approved for irradiation.
Currently in Canada, the following foods are approved for irradiation and sale:
- Onions
- Potatoes
- Wheat
- Flour
- Whole wheat flour
- Spices (both whole and ground)
- Dehydrated seasonings
Mangoes, poultry, shrimp, prawns and ground beef are currently undergoing the approval process in Canada, despite the fact that 54% of surveyed consumers stated that they would not purchase irradiated food due to safety concerns. The government approved ground beef irradiation in 2017; mangoes, poultry, shrimp and prawns have not been approved as of yet.
In the United States, many more foods have been approved for irradiation including:
- Beef and pork
- Poultry
- Molluscan shellfish (e.g., oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops)
- Shell eggs
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Lettuce and spinach
- Spices and seasonings
- Seeds for sprouting (e.g., for alfalfa sprouts)
4. Food irradiation may be covering up larger issues.
There’s no doubt that food-borne illness is a big concern. But we have to ask ourselves: What’s the underlying issue that’s causing so much food poisoning in the first place? According to the Cancer Prevention Coalition, it’s filthy conditions in the food industry:
“Irradiation is being embraced by the food industry as a way to mask filthy conditions in factory-style slaughterhouses and processing plants. Because it greatly extends the shelf life of food, irradiation is also being embraced by multinational corporations as a way to move food production operations to developing nations, a trend that has already financially imperiled multitudes of American farmers and ranchers.”
It might also be suggested that a huge problem leading to widespread contamination and recalls is the structure of our food supply, where three or four massive companies are responsible for 80% of what we find in the supermarket. The centralization of our food system is a big part of the problem, leading to yet another reason to know your farmer and shop as locally as you can.
5. Food irradiation has not been proven safe for human consumption.
Food irradiation produces free radicals, highly reactive chemicals with the potential to harm other cells. They bounce around in irradiated foods, combining with existing chemicals to create a mix of known toxins (benzene, formaldehyde and lipid peroxides) and unique radiolytic products that only exist in irradiated foods – meaning those bad boys just aren’t naturally occurring in nature.
According to the Cancer Prevention Coalition, one third of studies in peer reviewed journals investigating genetic damage caused by irradiated food showed genetic damage in animals, humans or cell cultures. Dr. Samuel Epstein, chair of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, is quoted as saying, “Every man, woman and child who takes a bite of irradiated food increases their chance of getting cancer. It is no exaggeration to say that our government has turned the American people into guinea pigs.”
As is too commonly becoming the practice with the FDA, they approve food for human consumption without proper testing. As with GMOs, irradiation was approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration without determining a level of radiation to which food can be exposed and still be safe for human consumption, which federal law requires (U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, § 170.22). The list of animal studies that show mutations, cell death and cancers in various members of the animal and insect world is staggering and terrifying.
In a 2004 study entitled Health Concerns Regarding Consumption of Irradiated Food, researchers wrote: “As a result of this review, the authors conclude that current evidence does not exist to substantiate the support or unconditional endorsement of irradiation of food for consumption. In addition, consumers are entitled to their right of choice in the consumption of irradiated versus un-irradiated food.”
The problem is that we’re not. Not really.
More and more food is being irradiated, supposedly for our own safety, but radiation is simply not safe. It is a slow killer that plants a seed of damage that grows and proliferates over decades. We have seen the effects in children born near radioactive hot spots, and now in Japan, there are already reports of an increase in infant thyroid cancers, formerly an extremely rare form of cancer to find in children, let alone infants.
Check this clip of the formidable Helen Caldicott, a pediatrician and world renowned expert on the effects of radiation. Around the six-minute mark in this video, Helen discusses the effects of radiation on our food, and subsequently, our health.

How Do We Avoid Irradiated Food?
In Canada, we have mandatory labelling of irradiated food — supposedly.
The Health Canada website states:
By regulation, all prepackaged food products that have been irradiated must carry a statement “treated with radiation”, “treated by irradiation” or “irradiated” and display the international symbol identifying irradiated foods, the radura, on the principal display panel of their label. When an irradiated food is not sold in prepackaged form, a sign displaying the radura symbol must be located next to the point of sale of the food.
The ideal would be to shop as much as we can from our local growers, and buy spices from organic brands (I use Frontier). Avoid any products that have these symbols on them (below left).
In Canada, pre-packaged foods which contain more than 10 per cent irradiated ingredients are required to bear this symbol, but those with less than 10 per cent irradiated ingredients don’t need to be labelled – yet another reason to make it from scratch. The problem here is that most spices make up less than 10 per cent of our meals. In good quality meals, they can be incredibly healing, but in most cases, these spices have been irradiated.
In the United States, irradiated foods must be labelled — except for “multi-ingredient” (read: packaged) foods. So if you’re purchasing spice mixes or other packaged foods which contain more than one ingredient, there’s no easy way to tell if it has been irradiated or not. Luckily, in both Canada and the United States, irradiated food does not meet organic standards, so when you eat organic, you know you’re eating non-irradiated.
And Then I Picked Up The Phone And Asked Questions…
I went around the corner to the local supermarket and bought a bag of conventional coriander seeds. There was no irradiation symbol on it, or words that described it as such. I looked up the brand name, Suraj, and found that it was an India-based company. And so I called the 1-888 number that was on the back of the package and went directly to the President’s Choice consumer help centre.
I asked if this product was irradiated, as my assumption, based on the Health Canada website, was that any packaged food where its contents were more than 10% irradiated must be labelled. The woman was unable to help me immediately, but called me back three days later to confirm the spices were not irradiated. This confused me as from what I could gather from the India-based company, they do irradiate their spices prior to export.
In the process of researching all of this, I also learned that irradiated cat food is banned in Australia as they found it was killing cats. So there’s that.
For now, it seems the only way to ensure that our food is not irradiated is to buy organics, and start asking a lot of questions!
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Another Great Expose’ Thanks Meghan!
Keep Up The Good Work!
Thanks Meghan! I think it can even impact the way our farm animals are treated. Presently according to W5, some farms in Canada are treating their animals inhumanely and it shocking! So it can give them even more excuse not to treat them properly, if they know the animals are only a commodity and the meat, eggs etc will be irradiated.
Thanks for the new info! I had no idea that this was going on. I buy predominantly organic and unprocessed foods, but for the occasional snacks and restaurant fare I will be on the lookout.
Great article. I am based in the UK so now I need to find out about labelling regulations here.
Thanks Meghan. What I found very interesting is the irradiation symbol– if you didn’t know what it meant it looks like a symbol of something green and positive.. Scary!
Thank you Meghan for this very enlightening article and yes, I agree that the US symbol for irradiated is very misleading; I’ll be sharing this info with my family in the USA. I had not thought about pet food – glad I’ve been giving my dogs organic pet food, along with their favourite nibbles of organic raw carrots.
It’s just disgusting what man is doing to our food. It feels a bit hopeless for every one else though who doesn’t care about their food. Thanks for helping me understand yet another thing I’m avoiding by buying organic and from my local farmer.
On a side note: Last year my microwave caught on fire. Not knowing what to do I threw it outside my back door. In a way it was a good thing because it was the last time we used a microwave in our home. The family complains a lot but they’re slowly getting used to taking 15 minutes to heating things up in the toaster oven.
[…] Food Irradiation: 5 Things You Need to Know […]
Thank you so much for your post, Meghan. A friend told me she doesn’t buy much organic food because all food coming across the border is irradiated. I’m glad I found your article and now have info to back up my thinking that she was wrong. I couldn’t see how organic could still be called organic if it was irradiated. Thank you again.
Could you please reply to Diane’s comment about produce and pkgd food coming across the U.S. border? I have also heard they are either fumigated or irradiated. So even if we buy raw pkgd goods from a foreign country they won’t really be raw once they arrive? Can you provide info?
Vegan and organic should do the trick.
Thank you,
Hi there, in Australia we have a high number of people contacting brain degenerative diseases. Is this because of irradiated foods, the government have been doing irradiated foods for over sixty years now. How can we prevent ourselves from becoming a statistic to these diseases.
I bought some organic President choice red potatoes can you tell me if they are radiated why I ask I boiled them for 1 hour and still they are not cooked throughout the spud they are still hard
Hi, I think that irradiated food is unhealthy, and I appreciate the information here (Thanks!), but I think it’s important to be clear about the difference between a food item at the store that has been irradiated and a food item from a fallout zone that has radioactive elements such as cesium and strontium inside it. My understanding is that something, say an avocado, that has had x-rays passed through it, will have some nutrition damaged. It has DNA damaged too I think. But it doesn’t have tiny radioactive elements or metals that will go into your body and radiate waves of unnatural energy into your tissue wherever it lands for 600+ years. I think that those elements come specifically from a nuclear reactor fallout, they get into the soil and then the plants take them up into their roots and they get into the food that way. So when that woman in the video speaks about cancers, she is not talking about irradiated food. She is talking about food that has radioactive elements from a nuclear reactor inside it. I think that when you travel by plane and you pass your backpack through the x-ray and it has snacks in it, you have just irradiated your snacks (but for a shorter time perhaps than food irradiation). But generally people eat the snacks on the plane anyway. If you put vegetables through, they will go bad a lot faster because the structures have been damaged inside. But people don’t seem to get thyroid cancer after eating them. It’s totally insane that they are irradiating food and ruining the nutrition but I don’t think its quite as bad as eating food containing radioactive metals that came from a nuclear fallout zone. I guess because a reactor has much greater radiation than an x-ray does and creates much more highly radioactive elements. I don’t think you could confer that much radiation into one of the metals in food by an x-ray as a nuclear reactor creates inside a melting down core or whatever they are called. I think it’s important to be scientifically accurate. Thanks!
Far as I know, all imports of everything, including organics, are routinely subjected to radiation or fumigation or heat to kill all possible plant and animal disease organisms. Whole shipping containers are treated and inspected that way. When a manufacturer or importer says or writes that a product is not irradiated, the meaning of the statement is limited to the extent of control of the maker or importer, but the USA USDA APHIS (Animal Plant Health Inspection Service) can and will do what it routinely does to all imports. Even Interstate commerce is affected. For example, Hawaii to the mainland shipments are “treated,” including products organically grown or raised.
I get the caution against food radiation since it uses harmful ionizing radiation. But what is the problem with microwaves? Microwave radiation is in the non-ionizing spectrum and doesn’t cause damage to DNA. It merely creates heat through molecular vibration. There are lots of sources of harmless radiation in the environment. Even visible light is one of them.