3 Tips For Better Food Photography| MeghanTV
You’ve met Catherine before on my blog. She did my first ever head shots oh-so-many moons ago…
And of course, she shot the goodness you see before you when you crack open my book UnDiet. (And if you don’t yet have a copy, grab your sneak peek sample here.)
Catherine Farquharson is the Documentographer of my life (now a Transformation Coach, you can listen to our deep dive on how she made the transition in this podcast episode). So I was over-the-moon thrilled when she agreed to join me in the kitchen for a super fun segment all about food photography.
I love it so much when you are in your kitchen cooking, making a mess, and are so proud of your creations that you want to snap some pics and share them across the land (i.e. Instagram and Facebook) and collect likes and positive feedback. I am the last person to tell you that you’re doing it wrong. There is no wrong when it comes to making love in the kitchen. But it does hurt my heart when I see your beautiful creations be represented by what looks like a pot of dog diarrhea.
It’s your photos, I’m afraid, that are making your creations look shitty. Literally. But no more. You don’t need to be a professional photographer (or have professional equipment) to make that love in the kitchen look like magic in a photo.
Today, Catherine lends us her amazing expertise and simple food photography tips to help all of us be better food photographers, whether for personal use, your Instagram feed, your blog or your business. Make it pretty!
What are your best food photo tips?
Share your wisdom below and we’d love to see your work, too! Post your pics to Instagram and tag #meghantelpner. We’re watching for you!
[…] Nutritionista Meghan Telpner published a fun episode of MeghanTV with me giving food photography tips. The response has been wonderful, with people eager to improve their photos. These are my […]
I LOVE photography and when I became vegetarian I was so amazed that the meals I was preparing were not only so delish but the food was actually colour therapy!!! So I started taking pics! Since I also do a lot of staging in my business some tips I can offer are to put your food on a contrasting plate – white is excellent for that and make the background either a warm textured wood or have some kool accessories around. Try different angles and light it well – if a top shot then light from the top or if at an angle try different angles of lighting as well. Fun!!! BTW I couldn’t view the vid above – it says “server not found”.
Lovely photographer you have there!! ; ) She did our wedding at Steamwhistle. Hi Catherine & Meghan!
I’m just beginning to learn how to use my camera properly. Food photos are so much fun to share.
Thanks for the tips.
Happy day!
Thanks for sharing these great tips! I have a lot of practicing to do especially when it comes to using my camera.
[…] It is delightful for me to know that I could have even a WEE effect of an improvement of food photography photos out there! Today The Huffington Post shares Meghan Telpner’s MeghanTV episode with my food photography tips. […]