My man and I take the dulse show on the road. We keep a bag of dulse in our glove box and eat it when we need a pick-up. Not only does it resolve that little salt craving that kicks in once in a while- but it’s like insta-detox power.
Dulse is a seaweed. A delicious one if you ask me, though I know not everyone is inclined to agree. Not everyone loves the taste of seaweed and understandably so. You might think it tastes/smells fishy or like um… the sea. You wouldn’t be wrong. I’d say I’m a middle of the line seaweed eater. I love it in nori wraps, mixed in with soups, and of course I’ll throw Irish Moss into just about anything. But I am not such a lover that I’d gladly ditch the sea salt in favour of kelp flakes. No way!
Now that you know my limits, you must trust that this recipe which integrates dulse sea-mlessly (get it?), without any super seaweedy taste is perhaps brushing lips with brilliant.
This is why you likely need to eat more sea vegetables:
They are one of the top alkalinizing foods- as a result, they help alkalinize you which in turn boosts immune function, resolves issues of yeast and other bacteria issues, help prevent cancer.
They are super rich in iodine which is vital for your thyroid health which in turn manages your hormone balance, energy levels, tissue healing and skin health, and metabolic rate.
They are, for the most part, chlorophyll powered meaning super rich in the green power that gives us energy, makes us glow with beauty and detoxes our cells.
This Gluten Free Sunflower Dulse Bread recipe was inspired by a client. Yes! I had my one-to-one consult with the winner of our UnDiet Meal Prep Life Changer Deluxe package and part of her grand prize was a 45 minute consult with me. We chatted about loads of juicy health stuff and something that came up was the challenge of breakfasts without resorting to eating something sweet, or relying on grains.
She also told me that she has a dehydrator that she doesn’t use enough (um… sound familiar?). I decided to create a raw, sprouted, grain-free savoury breakfast bread. This was gone in no time around here- it was that delicious.
What’s extra awesome about this one is the raw component. The seeds have all been soaked and sprouted making them easy to digest and also super rich in protein and enzyme power.
Fabulous. I am going to try these in a low-heat oven (no more dehydrator for me-wah) and will report back! :)
Are you using whole flaxseeds or ground??